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Backgrounds and their meanings

One of my first doctoral classes is a seminar in counselor education. It is a comprehensive and in-depth overview of the entire doctoral program. Additionally, it helps build a foundation of this journey of earning my Ph.D. I have laughed many times because we use drawings to express our thoughts and perceptions about different topics. Therefore, I am creating this Eportfolio as an expression of myself and my professional development. Along that way there will be personal development as well. The backgrounds have personal meanings, beginning with the home page. I grew up in Florida and the beach is a second home, however, when I lived in Costa Rica and Colorado I fell in love with the mountains. At times while in the mountains, I missed the ocean and on my home page I have the best of both worlds.

The Five Domains:

As an Educator, the ripples are an expression about how we never know how we affect each other and all interactions lead to a reaction. As an educator, I have a passion to excite students through experiential learning in which critical, intentional, and reflective thinking takes place. This is from a personal passion for knowledge and being a lifelong learner. I believe Mother Teresa quote, speaks volumes. Another metaphor that speaks to me is from a wise professor who says we are to sow our harvest, and the harvest will grow. I pour out to my students with energy and passion, not only because I want to do unto others, I want to follow his will.

As a Counselor and Consultant, we are all the same, yet we are all different and this is represented in the various types of plants. We are all from one and this is symbolic of how we are all related in some form or fashion. I am able to give back by counseling and consulting.

As a Supervisor, the gears are symbolic of how we depend on each other. In order for a gear to begin motion there must be another gear to initiate that motion. This comes in the form of being supervised and now becoming a supervisor.

As a Scholar and Research I represent this by my quantitative side with the triangles. This is symbolic of my balance of passions for academia, research, and practice.

As a Leader and Advocate, I found the background of fluid to be symbolic because essentially our work goes beyond ourselves. This is how we influence others and once part of us is shared it is mixed within the other individual. Becoming a Counselor Educator is the top authority in the field of counseling and it is important to use my skills and knowledge to lead, advocate, and honor others.

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